Social Media Report on Tablet

Why Social Media Has No Time for the ‘Spreadsheet Mentality’

Unfortunately, thanks to the occasional viral sensation on social media, it’s often seen as a ‘quick win’ for most companies. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Social media was intended to be a platform to build communities on. If your goal is to become a ‘viral sensation overnight’, you’ve already failed social media. Even if your post reaches 1 million people organically, that doesn’t mean you’ve created a loyal following and will consistently achieve similar results.  Consistency is the key to success when it comes to sites like Facebook, and nothing measures this more than the real engagement you…

Woman enjoying social media content on her phone.

Organic Content: The Importance of Building Brand

Having a free social media account for your business isn’t just an excuse to post sales content. Otherwise, services like Facebook Ads wouldn’t exist, would they?

That sounds contradictory, but hear me out.

A few years ago Facebook changed their algorithm that affected millions of Facebook pages. Suddenly, businesses found their Facebook page organic reach dropping and no one could figure out why. Facebook stated that “In times like these, the most important thing we at Facebook can do is develop the social infrastructure to give people the power to build a global community that works for all of us.”. This change has made businesses re-evaluate their content strategies.

The Strategy of Compounding Content

Successful content marketing doesn’t happen overnight. It’s easy to be fooled when seeing your idols or competitors with millions of followers on their pages, along with millions of views, millions of likes, or millions of shares on every piece of content they share. However, the deep dark secret truth is that their success took time.  Many people try to aim for that ONE viral video, or that ONE viral tweet in the hopes it will change their business, or their lives. There’s no denying this may happen, but it’s few and far between; it’s probably more rare than winning the…

5 Reasons Your Marketing Is Failing

Quite often, I hear businesses claim that “marketing didn’t really work for them”. It’s not that “marketing didn’t work for you”, you didn’t do the right marketing. Whenever I work with new clients, I start by addressing the issues, objectives or mindsets they have when it comes to social media.In this blog, I want to talk about the 5 key reasons your marketing may ‘not be working’ for you. With most businesses, it’s often a combination, but hopefully this can help pinpoint a few areas of improvement, and help with suggestions on moving forward. Here we go: 1. Content Content…

3 Content Strategies to Grow Your Business

In a few recent blogs, I’ve been hammering the fact that businesses need to start putting out ‘good content’ across their social media. However, I’ve not really been all too clear on exactly what makes your content ‘good’…Content comes in two main forms – education and entertainment. When I refer to ‘good content’, I’m talking about something that has a reason to be consumed – it needs to provide VALUE! It’s difficult for businesses to align themselves with this approach when they are in ‘sales mode’, but in short, you should always give more than you ask for. This is…

The Truth About Facebook’s Algorithm

Whenever I hear people talking about the Facebook algorithm, I mostly switch off and stop listening. I see too many marketeers and social media ‘experts’ complaining about this in the form of excuses. For those who don’t know, a few years ago, Facebook introduced an algorithm that basically saw organic reach decline for every business page on Facebook. This apparently makes things more difficult. Boo-hoo! I have a few points to make on the TRUTHS of Facebook’s algorithm. 1. It’s here to help! To start, the algorithm actually HELPS you. The point behind the algorithm is so people see the…

Why ‘Likes’ and ‘Followers’ Don’t Matter

This week’s blog is another little rant, and it stems from me seeing too many businesses wasting a lot of valuable time. I’m staggered by just how many marketeers and so-called social media ‘experts’ think the number of ‘likes’ on their Facebook page means anything at all. I see this number getting crammed into every PowerPoint slide and social media report like it’s a major priority. But here’s a shock horror: it isn’t. The number of likes or followers on your Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram mean absolutely nothing; how many of those people actually care about your business, does.…